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aastast 1996

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Teeme teostusjooniseid nii hoonetele kui nende erinevatele eriosadele : ventilatsioon, vesi, kanal, küte, side, elekter.
Nii vanadele hoonetele kui uusehitistele.


Mõõdistame hooned nii seest kui väljast ning koostame korruseplaanid koos ruumide eksplikatsiooniga. Vajadusel ka hoonete vaated ja lõiked.


Teeme vanadest paberjoonistest digitaalsed.
Formaat vastavalt Tellija soovile.
Kasutame AutoCad tarkvara.

New arrival - Limited edition

The power of the rhythm

VIBREL V3 PRO offers you state-of-the-art sound technology with complete rhythm control. The headphone’s structure will enhance the way you hear and feel the music, with no boundaries.

Only $239

making you feel good

“The headphones have an amazing new design and are very comfortable. Noise-canceling at his best. The best headphone VIBREL ever created.”
The way you need to hear

Beyond your dreams

New VIBREL V3 PRO price $239